
Shopify integration consists of two parts:

App installation

Shopify app automatically syncs your Shopify store's data to Intempt, allowing you to use your historical order and customer data.

The initialized Shopify source will automatically collect the following events:

Abandoned checkoutsThis occurs when a potential customer begins the checkout process but does not complete the transaction. It is triggered after a customer enters their contact information and proceeds to the payment information step but leaves the website before finalizing the purchase.
Draft order placedIt occurs when a draft order is created when a store owner manually enters an order on behalf of the customer. It is often used for orders taken over the phone or in person.
Placed orderOccurs when a customer completes the checkout process and places an order.
Product orderedSame as “Placed order” - just here, each product in an order generates an Ordered product activity. This allows you to visualize and filter based on individual products purchased.
Order cancelledSignifies the cancellation of an order by either the customer or the merchant before it has been fulfilled.
Order refundedRecorded when a customer's payment for an order is refunded
CustomersSignifies either the creation of a new customer or the update of an existing one

Web tracking installation

While the Shopify app is useful for collecting historical data, it does not allow collecting real-time data on custom user actions for advanced analytics, targeting, and personalization use cases. You can only access the full capabilities of the GrowthOS when leveraging both app and web data sources.

To do that, you need to set up a Javascript tracker to collect web-based events.

We have prepared an event tracking script template to speed up your integration (see the code snippet in the "Web tracking installation" section).

These are recommended web tracking events:

Event NameDescription
Sign upTriggered when a user completes the registration process on the store.
LoginOccurs when a user logs into their account.
Viewed productFired when a user views a product's details.
Viewed categoryTriggered when a user navigates to and views a product category page.
Added to cartOccurs when a user adds a product to their shopping cart.
Viewed checkoutFired when a user views the checkout page with items ready for purchase.
Item removed from cartTriggered when a user removes an item from their shopping cart.
SearchOccurs when a user performs a search on the store.
Started checkoutFired when a user initiates the checkout process.
PurchasedTriggered when a user completes a purchase, and the transaction is finalized.

App installation

Create a Shopify source

Go to Sources and select "Create source" -> Shopify.

Enter your shop name (without the .myshopify.com ending) and click "Next" to select your Shopify account to authenticate.


Good to know

Each Shopify source can be linked only to one store. If you have more than one Shopify store, you will need to create a source for each of them.

Once connected, as a final step, configure the syncing intervals with the source.

By default, Intempt will sync all data available in your store. However, you can also select a custom sync time if you don't want to ingest all of the historical data.

The "Sync interval" is the frequency at which Intempt syncs the data from your Shopify store. The default and recommended timeframe is 1 hour.

Once the source is created, you can always update the sync schedule and frequency in the overview tab.

How users are identified

Intempt maps the fields below to resolve identities across the project.

Intempt identifierShopify identifier
Profile IDCustomer ID
User IDEmail, phone

Attribute reference

Draft order placed

Display NameDescriptionExample
Line item namesA list of items in the cart by name.[{ "Apple Watch", "iPhone"}]
CollectionsA list of the collections relevant to items in the cart."dresses, shoes"
TagsThis is a list of all the tags related to items in your cart"on-sale"
Applied discount amountThe amount of the discount applied.15.00
Created atThe date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the draft order was created."2023-03-01T12:00:00Z"
Line itemsProducts and quantities included in the draft order.[{"id": "12345", "quantity": 2}]
CurrencyThe currency in which the draft order was made."USD"
EmailThe email address associated with the draft order."[email protected]"
Subtotal priceThe price of the draft order before shipping, taxes, and discounts.200.00
Total priceThe total price of the draft order including taxes, shipping, and discounts.220.00
Total taxThe total tax amount applied to the draft order.20.00
Invoice sent atThe date and time when the invoice was sent."2023-03-15T12:00:00Z"
Completed atThe date and time when the draft order was completed and converted into an order."2023-03-20T12:00:00Z"
Shipping line priceThe price of the chosen shipping method.5.00
Invoice URLThe URL of the invoice for the draft order."https://example.com/invoice"
StatusThe current status of the draft order (e.g., open, invoice sent, completed)."open"

Placed order, Order cancelled, Order refunded

Display NameDescriptionExample
Line item namesA list of items in the cart by name.[{ "Apple Watch", "iPhone"}]
CollectionsA list of the collections relevant to items in the cart."dresses, shoes"
TagsThis is a list of all the tags related to items in your cart"on-sale"
Subtotal priceThe price of the order before shipping and taxes.150.00
Order status URLThe URL for tracking the order's status."https://example.com/order_status"
Total shipping price presentment money amountThe total shipping price in the presentment currency.20.00
Total taxThe total tax amount applied to the order.20.00
Discount codesDiscount codes applied to the order.[{"code": "SPRINGSALE", "amount": "10.00"}]
Total taxThe current total tax amounts set, including shop and presentment currencies.Similar structure as specified
Total discountsThe total amount of discounts applied to the order.10.00
CurrencyThe currency in which the order was made.USD
Total priceThe total price of the order.250.00
Total line items priceThe total price of all line items in the order.200.00
Contact emailThe email address associated with the order.[email protected]
Cancelled atThe date and time when the order was cancelled."2023-03-10T12:00:00Z"
Fulfillment statusThe current fulfillment status of the order."fulfilled"
Created atThe date and time when the order was created."2023-03-01T12:00:00Z"
FulfillmentsA list of fulfillments for the order.[{"fulfillment_id": "12345"}]
Financial statusThe financial status of the order (e.g., paid, pending)."paid"

Product ordered

Display NameDescriptionExample
Line item namesA list of items in the cart by name.[{ "Apple Watch", "iPhone"}]
CollectionsA list of the collections relevant to items in the cart."dresses, shoes"
TagsThis is a list of all the tags related to items in your cart"on-sale"
Subtotal priceThe price of the order before shipping and taxes.150.00
Order status URLThe URL for tracking the order's status."https://example.com/order_status"
Total shipping price presentment money amountThe total shipping price in the presentment currency.20.00
Total taxThe total tax amount applied to the order.20.00
Discount codesDiscount codes applied to the order.[{"code": "SPRINGSALE", "amount": "10.00

Abandoned checkout

Display NameDescriptionExample
Line item namesA list of items in the cart by name.[{ "Apple Watch", "iPhone"}]
CollectionsA list of the collections relevant to items in the cart."dresses, shoes"
TagsThis is a list of all the tags related to items in your cart"on-sale"
CurrencyThe currency that the customer was using at checkout."USD"
Total discountsThe total amount of discounts applied to the checkout."5.00"
Referring siteThe website URL that referred the customer to the checkout."https://example.com"
Abandoned checkout URLThe URL of the abandoned checkout that can be used to complete the purchase."https://shopify.com/checkout/abc123"
Subtotal priceThe subtotal of the checkout before taxes and discounts."45.00"
Total priceThe final total of the checkout after taxes and discounts are applied."40.00"
Total line items priceThe total price of all line items in the checkout, before taxes and discounts."50.00"
Total taxThe total amount of taxes applied to the checkout."0.00"
Discount codesA list of discount codes applied to the checkout.[{"code": "SAVE10", "amount": "10.00"}]


Display NameDescriptionExample
Accepts marketingWhether the customer has opted in to receive marketing materials.FALSE
Accepts marketing updated atThe last time the customer's marketing preferences were updated."2023-02-01T12:00:00-05:00"
Customer addressesA list of addresses associated with the customer.[{"address1": "123 Apple St.", "city": "New York"}]
Created atThe date and time when the customer record was created."2023-01-01T12:00:00-05:00"
CurrencyThe currency the customer uses."USD"
Default address first nameThe first name associated with the customer's default address."Jane"
EmailThe email address of the customer."[email protected] "
First nameThe first name of the customer."Jane"
Last nameThe last name of the customer."Doe"
Customer noteA note about the customer, potentially for internal use."Prefers eco-friendly packaging."
Orders countThe number of orders the customer has placed.5
PhoneThe customer's phone number."+1234567890"
StateThe state of the customer's account (e.g., disabled, invited)."enabled"
Customer tagsTags associated with the customer for segmentation and organization."VIP, Repeat Customer"
Total spentThe total amount of money the customer has spent."200.00"
Updated atThe last time the customer record was updated."2023-03-01T12:00:00-05:00"
Verified emailWhether the customer's email address has been verified.TRUE

Web tracking installation

Create a Web tracker source

Under the "Sources" page, select the "Create source" button and then the "Web tracker" option.

Under “Installation,” copy the code block snippet containing the script tags and Javascript function.

Create the API key

Refer to API keys to create unique API keys you can use in your project to authenticate SDK access.


Don't miss out!

Remember to replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with the API key you generated via API keys section.

Initialize the SDK

Paste the snippet in the tag section of your website. This should be an HTML page that acts as a base or template page (with other scripts your page loads) to ensure all possible events are captured.

Add the event tracking script template

Under the Snippets folder, add a new file named ‘js-intempt-tracking’. Paste the tracking code there.

Event tracking code template

  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
  {% comment %} Login {% endcomment %}
  {% if template contains 'login' %}
    const loginBtn = document.querySelector(`form[action="/account/login"] input[type="submit"]`);
    if (loginBtn) {
      loginBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
        const email = document.querySelector('input[name="customer[email]"]').value.toString();
        const password = document.querySelector('input[name="customer[password]"]').value.toString();
        if (email && password) {
          intempt.recordEvent('login', {
            email: email
      }, false);
  {% endif %}
  {% comment %} Login - End {% endcomment %}

  {% comment %} Sign up {% endcomment %}
  {% if template contains 'register' %}
    const loginBtn = document.querySelector(`form[action="/account/"] input[type="submit"]`);
    if (loginBtn) {
      loginBtn.addEventListener("click", () => {
        const firstName = document.querySelector('input[name="customer[first_name]"]').value.toString();
        const lastName = document.querySelector('input[name="customer[last_name]"]').value.toString();
        const email = document.querySelector('input[name="customer[email]"]').value.toString();
        const password = document.querySelector('input[name="customer[password]"]').value.toString();
        if (firstName && lastName && email && password) {
          intempt.recordEvent('signed_up', {
            first_name: firstName,
            last_name: lastName,
            email: email 
      }, false);
  {% endif %}
  {% comment %} Sign up - End {% endcomment %}

  {% comment %} Viewed product {% endcomment %}
  {% if template contains 'product' %}
    intempt.recordEvent('viewed_product', {
      product_id: `{{ product.id }}`, 
      sku: `{{ product.variants[0].sku | escape }}`, 
      title: `{{ product.title | escape }}`,
      price: {{ product.price | divided_by: 100.0 }},
      category: `{{ product.collections[0].title }}`,
      variant: `{{ product.variants[0].title }}`,
      discount: {% if product.compare_at_price > product.price %}{{ product.compare_at_price | minus: product.price | divided_by: 100.0 }}{% else %}0{% endif %},
      url: `https://{{ shop.domain }}{{ product.url }}`,
      image_url:  `https:{{ product.featured_image | img_url: 'master' }}`
  {% endif %}
  {% comment %} Viewed product - End {% endcomment %}

  {% comment %} Viewed category {% endcomment %}
  {% if template contains 'collection' %}
    intempt.recordEvent('viewed_category', {
      category_name: `{{ collection.title }}`,
      url: `https://{{ shop.domain }}{{ collection.url }}`
  {% endif %}
  {% comment %} Viewed category - End {% endcomment %}

  {% comment %} Added to cart {% endcomment %}
  {% if template contains 'product' %}
    var variantsJson = {{ product | json }};
    const addtocartForm = document.querySelector(`form[action="/cart/add"]`);
      if (addtocartForm) {
        addtocartForm.addEventListener("submit", (e) => {
          let variantId = document.querySelector(`form[action="/cart/add"] [name="id"]`).value;
          let quantity = 1;
          if (document.querySelector(`form[action="/cart/add"] [name="quantity"]`)) {
            quantity = document.querySelector(`form[action="/cart/add"] [name="quantity"]`).value;
          let sku = '';
          let price = 0;
          let discount = 0;
          let variant = '';
          for (let i = 0; i < variantsJson.variants.length; i ++) {
            if (variantsJson.variants[i].id == variantId) {
              sku = variantsJson.variants[i].sku;
              price = parseFloat(variantsJson.variants[i].price) / 100.0;
              variant = variantsJson.variants[i].title;
              if (variantsJson.variants[i].compare_at_price != null && variantsJson.variants[i].compare_at_price > variantsJson.variants[i].price) {
                discount = parseFloat(variantsJson.variants[i].compare_at_price - variantsJson.variants[i].price) / 100.0;
          intempt.recordEvent('added_to_cart', {
            product_id: `{{ product.id }}`,
            sku: sku,
            title: `{{ product.title }}`,
            price: price,
            category: `{{ product.collections[0].title }}`,
            variant: variant,
            discount: discount,
            url: `https://{{ shop.domain }}{{ product.url }}`,
            image_url: `https:{{ product.featured_image | img_url: 'master' }}`,
            item_count: quantity,
            product_url: `https://{{ shop.domain }}{{ product.url }}?variant=` + variantId.toString()

        }, false);
  {% endif %}
  {% comment %} Added to cart - End {% endcomment %}

  {% comment %} Viewed checkout {% endcomment %}
  {% if template contains 'cart' %}
    intempt.recordEvent('viewed_checkout', {
      total_price: {{ cart.total_price | divided_by: 100.0 }},
      total_discount: {% if cart.total_discounts %}{{ cart.total_discounts }}{% else %}0{% endif %},
      items_count: {{ cart.item_count }},
      items: [
        {% for item in cart.items %}
            title: `{{ item.product.title }}`,
            product_id: `{{ item.product.id }}`,
            sku: `{{ item.variant.sku }}`,
            price: {{ item.price | divided_by: 100.0 }},
            category: `{{ item.product.collections[0].title }}`,
            variant: `{{ item.variant.title }}`,
            quantity: {{ item.quantity }},
            product_brand: `{{ item.product.vendor }}`,
            url: `https://{{ shop.domain }}{{ item.product.url }}`,
            image_url: `https:{{ item.product.featured_image | img_url: 'master' }}`
          }{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
        {% endfor %}
      {% comment %}
      title: [
        {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.product.title }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
      product_id: [
        {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.product.id }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
      sku: [
        {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.variant.sku }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
      price: [
        {% for item in cart.items %}{{ item.price }}{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
      category: [
        {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.product.collections[0].title }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
      variant: [
        {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.variant.title }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
      quantity: [
        {% for item in cart.items %}{{ item.quantity }}{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
      product_brand: [
        {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.product.vendor }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
      url: [
        {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ shop.domain }}{{ item.product.url }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
      image_url: [
        {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.product.featured_image | img_url: 'master' }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
      {% endcomment %}
  {% endif %}
  {% comment %} Viewed checkout - End {% endcomment %}

  {% comment %} Item removed from cart {% endcomment %}
  {% if template contains 'cart' %}
    const removeBtns = document.querySelectorAll(`a[href^="/cart/change"]`);
    {% assign itemsJson = '[' %}
    {% for item in cart.items %}
      {% assign itemCategory = '"category": "' | append: item.product.collections[0].title | append: '","id"' %}
      {% assign itemJson = item | json | replace: '"id"', itemCategory %}
      {% assign itemsJson = itemsJson | append: ',' | append: itemJson %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% assign itemsJson = itemsJson | replace: '[,', '[' | append: ']' %}
    var itemsJson = {{ itemsJson }};
    for (let i = 0; i < removeBtns.length; i ++) {
      const removeBtn = removeBtns[i];
      removeBtn.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
        const lineId = e.target.getAttribute('href').split('line=')[1].split('&')[0] - 1;
        intempt.recordEvent('item_removed_from_cart', {
          title: itemsJson[lineId].title,
          product_id: itemsJson[lineId].id.toString(),
          sku: itemsJson[lineId].sku,
          price: itemsJson[lineId].price / 100.0,
          category: itemsJson[lineId].category,
          variant: itemsJson[lineId].variant_title,
          quantity: itemsJson[lineId].quantity,
          product_brand: itemsJson[lineId].vendor,
          url: `https://{{ shop.domain }}` + itemsJson[lineId].url,
          image_url: `https:` + itemsJson[lineId].image
        window.location.href = e.target.getAttribute('href');
      }, false);
  {% endif %}
  {% comment %} Item removed from cart - End {% endcomment %}

  {% comment %} Search {% endcomment %}
  const searchForms = document.querySelectorAll(`form[action="/search"]`);
  for (let i = 0; i < searchForms.length; i ++) {
    const searchForm = searchForms[i];
    searchForm.addEventListener("submit", (e) => {

      const term = e.target.querySelector('[name="q"]').value;
      intempt.recordEvent('search', {
        search_term: term,
        url: window.location.href
    }, false);
  {% comment %} Search - End {% endcomment %}

  {% comment %} Started checkout {% endcomment %}
  {% if template contains 'cart' %}
    const checkoutBtn = document.querySelector(`form[action="/cart"] input[type="submit"][name="checkout"]`);
    checkoutBtn.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
      intempt.recordEvent('started_checkout', {
        total_price: {{ cart.total_price | divided_by: 100.0 }},
        total_discount: {% if cart.total_discounts %}{{ cart.total_discounts | divided_by: 100.0 }}{% else %}0{% endif %},
        items_count: {{ cart.item_count }},
        items: [
          {% for item in cart.items %}
              title: `{{ item.product.title }}`,
              product_id: `{{ item.product.id }}`,
              sku: `{{ item.variant.sku }}`,
              price: {{ item.price | divided_by: 100.0 }},
              category: `{{ item.product.collections[0].title }}`,
              product_variant: `{{ item.variant.title }}`,
              quantity: {{ item.quantity }},
              product_brand: `{{ item.product.vendor }}`,
              url: `https://{{ shop.domain }}{{ item.product.url }}`,
              image_url: `https:{{ item.product.featured_image | img_url: 'master' }}`
            }{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
          {% endfor %}
        {% comment %}
        title: [
          {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.product.title }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
        product_id: [
          {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.product.id }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
        sku: [
          {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.variant.sku }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
        price: [
          {% for item in cart.items %}{{ item.price }}{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
        category: [
          {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.product.collections[0].title }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
        variant: [
          {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.variant.title }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
        quantity: [
          {% for item in cart.items %}{{ item.quantity }}{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
        product_brand: [
          {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.product.vendor }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
        url: [
          {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ shop.domain }}{{ item.product.url }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
        image_url: [
          {% for item in cart.items %}`{{ item.product.featured_image | img_url: 'master' }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
        {% endcomment %}
      window.location.href = '/checkout';
    }, false);
  {% endif %}
  {% comment %} Started checkout - End {% endcomment %}
{% comment %}
  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
  {% comment %} Purchase {% endcomment %}
  {% if first_time_accessed %}
    intempt.recordEvent('purchase', {
      total_price: {{ checkout.total_price | divided_by: 100.0 }},
      shipping_cost: {{ checkout.shipping_price | divided_by: 100.0 }},
      tax: {{ checkout.tax_price | divided_by: 100.0 }},
      shipping_method: `{{ checkout.shipping_methods[0].title }}`,
      payment_method: `{{ checkout.transactions[0].gateway_display_name }}`,
      discount_code: `{% if checkout.discount_applications %}{{ checkout.discount_applications[0].title }}{% endif %}`,
      accepts_marketing: {{ checkout.customer.accepts_marketing }},
      shipping_address: `{{ checkout.shipping_address.summary }}`,
      country: `{{ checkout.shipping_address.country }}`,
      state: `{{ checkout.shipping_address.province }}`,
      email: `{{ checkout.customer.email }}`,
      first_name: `{{ checkout.customer.first_name }}`,
      last_name: `{{ checkout.customer.last_name }}`,
      total_discount: {{ checkout.total_discounts | divided_by: 100.0 }},
      items_count: {{ checkout.item_count }},
      items: [
        {% for item in checkout.line_items %}
            title: `{{ item.product.title }}`,
            product_id: `{{ item.product.id }}`,
            sku: `{{ item.variant.sku }}`,
            price: {{ item.price | divided_by: 100.0 }},
            category: `{{ item.product.collections[0].title }}`,
            product_variant: `{{ item.variant.title }}`,
            quantity: {{ item.quantity }},
            product_brand: `{{ item.product.vendor }}`,
            url: `https://{{ shop.domain }}{{ item.product.url }}`,
            image_url: `https:{{ item.product.featured_image | img_url: 'master' }}`
          }{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}
        {% endfor %}
      {% comment %}
      title: [
        {% for item in checkout.line_items %}`{{ item.product.title }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
      product_id: [
        {% for item in checkout.line_items %}`{{ item.product.id }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
      sku: [
        {% for item in checkout.line_items %}`{{ item.variant.sku }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
      price: [
        {% for item in checkout.line_items %}{{ item.price }}{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
      category: [
        {% for item in checkout.line_items %}`{{ item.product.collections[0].title }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
      product_variant: [
        {% for item in checkout.line_items %}`{{ item.variant.title }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
      quantity: [
        {% for item in checkout.line_items %}{{ item.quantity }}{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
      product_brand: [
        {% for item in checkout.line_items %}`{{ item.product.vendor }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
      url: [
        {% for item in checkout.line_items %}`{{ shop.domain }}{{ item.product.url }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
      image_url: [
        {% for item in checkout.line_items %}`{{ item.product.featured_image | img_url: 'master' }}`{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}{% endfor %}        
      {% endcomment %}
  {% endif %}
  {% comment %} Purchase - End {% endcomment %}
{% endcomment %}

Open theme.liquid again and add this code {% render ‘js-intempt-tracking’ %} before tag.

Go to Admin/Settings/Checkout and paste the Intempt main Order Status Page section.

After that, open the ‘js-intempt-tracking.liquid’ and scroll down to the bottom. You will see a purchase tracking script that is inside the {% comment %} tag. Copy this script and paste it to the order status page section. Make sure you copy the entire

After this step, the events below should begin to be tracked.

Attribute reference

EventAttribute NamesDescription
Sign upFirst NameThe first name of the user signing up.
Last NameThe last name of the user signing up.
EmailThe email address provided by the user during sign up.
LoginEmailThe email used by the user to log in.
Viewed ProductProduct IDUnique identifier for the viewed product.
SKUStock Keeping Unit, specific to the product variant.
TitleThe title or name of the product.
PriceThe listed price of the product.
CategoryCategory or classification of the product.
VariantSpecific variant of the product viewed.
DiscountAny discount applied to the product at the time of viewing.
URLWeb address for the specific product page.
Image URLURL of the product's image.
Viewed CategoryCategory NameName of the product category that was viewed.
URLWeb address for the viewed category page.
Added to CartProduct IDIdentifier for the product added to the cart.
SKUSKU for the specific product variant added to the cart.
TitleName of the product added to the cart.
PricePrice of the product when added to the cart.
CategoryCategory of the product added.
VariantVariant of the product added to the cart.
DiscountDiscount applied to the product at the time of addition.
URLURL of the product page for the item added to the cart.
Image URLImage URL of the product added to the cart.
Item CountNumber of this item added to the cart.
Product URLDirect URL to the product's page.
Viewed CheckoutTotal PriceTotal price of all items at checkout.
Total DiscountTotal discount applied across items at checkout.
Items CountTotal number of items included in the checkout.
ItemsList of items with details included in the checkout.
TitleTitle of the checkout, often related to the main product.
Product IDIdentifier of the main product at checkout.
SKUSKU of the main product involved in the checkout.
PricePrice of the main product at checkout.
CategoryProduct category at checkout.
VariantVariant of the main product at checkout.
QuantityNumber of units of the main product at checkout.
Product BrandBrand of the main product at checkout.
URLURL to review the checkout details.
Image URLImage URL of the main product at checkout.
Item Removed from CartTitleName of the product removed from the cart.
Product IDIdentifier of the product removed from the cart.
SKUSKU of the product removed from the cart.
PricePrice of the product at the time it was removed.
CategoryCategory of the removed product.
VariantVariant of the product removed.
QuantityNumber of units of the product removed.
Product BrandBrand of the product removed.
URLURL to the product page of the removed item.
Image URLImage URL of the removed product.
SearchSearch TermThe term used by the user in the search.
URLURL of the search results page.
Started CheckoutTotal PriceTotal price of items at the start of checkout.
Total DiscountTotal discount applied at the start of checkout.
Items CountNumber of items at the start of checkout.
ItemsList of items being purchased at checkout.
TitleTitle of the checkout process.
Product IDIdentifier of the product being purchased.
SKUSKU of the product involved in the checkout.
PricePrice of the product at checkout.
CategoryCategory of the product at checkout.
Product VariantSpecific variant of the product being purchased.
QuantityNumber of units of the product being purchased.
Product BrandBrand of the product being purchased.
URLURL to the checkout page.
Image URLImage URL of the product being purchased.
PurchasedTotal PriceTotal price paid for the order.
Shipping CostCost of shipping for the order.
TaxTotal tax applied to the order.
Shipping MethodMethod of shipping used for the order.
Payment MethodMethod of payment used for the purchase.
Discount CodeDiscount codes used in the order.
Accepts MarketingWhether the customer opted into marketing.
Shipping AddressAddress to which the order was shipped.
CountryCountry of the shipping address.
StateState of the shipping address.
EmailEmail address associated with the order.
First NameFirst name of the customer who made the purchase.
Last NameLast name of the customer who made the purchase.
Total DiscountTotal discount applied to the order.
Items CountNumber of items included in the order.
ItemsList of items included in the order.
TitleTitle of the main product in the order.
Product IDIdentifier of the main product in the order.
SKUSKU of the main product in the order.
PricePrice of the main product in the order.
CategoryCategory of the main product in the order.
Product VariantVariant of the main product purchased.
QuantityNumber of units of the main product purchased.
Product BrandBrand of the main product purchased.
URLURL to the order confirmation page.
Image URLImage URL of the main product purchased.

Track custom events

If the provided events are insufficient, you can follow these steps to track custom events on your Shopify store.

  1. Determine which page you’re working on and add tracking code inside {% if the template contains ‘xxx’ %}{% endif %} statement. Thank you page scripts should not go under theme files, they should be in order status page scripts
  2. If you’re adding a custom script on a cart page, you must put your scripts under {% if the template contains ‘cart’ %} so it can run on the cart page only.
  1. Determine what data you will track and create custom events on Intempt to sync data correctly. Refer to Javascript SDKfor a complete guide on creating custom events and verifying if they are tracked correctly.