Creating a report

Where to begin

Go to Reports and select "Create report".

Step 1: Select the level of analysis

As a first step, you need to decide what level you want to create a report.

User-based reports

These are the most common reports where your analysis object is an individual user of your service or product.

Account-based reports

If you select “Analyze Uniques by Account,” you will be able to visualize trends and compositions within your data for account-based events, segments, and attributes.

What is an account in reports?

An Account is an object that a set of users might belong to - such as a Company of customers a team of users. If you are a B2B company, this will help you understand how your accounts interact with your product rather than just seeing the individual users in those companies.

Use cases of using account reports

An analysis using account-level reporting performs its counts by distinct user property groups. This allows you to analyze not only your product's individual users but also the different groups your users are a part of.

Here are some potential use cases:

  • Analyzing how many distinct accounts were active, or fired a certain event
  • Tracking how many charts are copied, saved, and modified in your organization, and then identifying which ones are interacted with most often
  • Discovering how conversion rates change between different types of orders
  • Determining how many accounts have converted from free trials to paid accounts
  • Tracking how many posts are drafted but never published in your social media platform

Account-level reports are critical when conversion processes involve multiple people. An example of this is a product that allows administrators to bill users for expenses. Their conversion funnel might include steps like “send invoice” and “send payment.” The former is completed by an admin, while the latter is completed by the end-user. In situations like these, account-level reporting is the only way to accurately measure total invoice conversion.

Step 2: Choose the object to analyze

For each report, you can select these objects to analyze:

  • Events. Any event you created via the event editor (for example, "Subscribed to a premium plan")
  • Properties. Any property that you ingested via configured sources. Property here represents an individual field within a collection, for example, "purchase amount."
  • Segments. Analyze how many users or accounts are within a segment within a defined timeframe.
  • Journeys. Get insights on users that entered or exited journeys.

Step 3: Choose aggregation type

Events and properties have their individual aggregation types.

Function name Calculation
Total Total count of [event] performed.

Example: How many times did my users place a purchase?

Count unique Number of unique users who have performed the event

Example: How many users have made a purchase?

Total per user The number of events performed per user.

Example: How many purchases were made per user?

Aggregation options: Average, median, percentiles, minimum, maximum

Function name Calculation
Sum The total of a numeric property value across all instances of [event].
Average Average of a numeric property value across all instances of [event].
Distinct count Calculates the unique count of property values across all instances of [event].
Median Median of a numeric property value across all instances of [event].
Percentiles The 25/75/90/th percentile of a numeric property value across all instances of [event].
Minimum Minimum Minimum of a numeric property value across all instances of [event].
Maximum Maximum of a numeric property value across all instances of [event].

Step 4: choose an inline filter

You can filter any report object by clicking the "Add a filter" option.

You can select whether you would like your query to match any or all of the filters by clicking on and/or beside the filters.

To duplicate any events or properties in your query, select the inline action menu and choose Duplicate. Delete any events or properties by clicking the trash icon.

Step 5: Add formula

Use Formulas to make calculations using simple arithmetic operators.
Formula builder supports the following operators:

  • "+" Add
  • "-" Subtract
  • "*"Multiply
  • "/" Divide
  • "()" Use parentheses to influence the order of operations

Step 6: Choose Filters (global)

Use global filters to exclude unwanted data. To filter the results of your query, click the "Filter" button and select the analysis object to filter the data. We recommend using global filters vs. inline filters in the case when want to apply the same filtering criteria for multiple objects within the report.

Step 7: Choose breakdowns

Breakdowns split events or properties into groups, each of which shares a particular value or range for that property.

To group your results click the “Breakdown” button and select an attribute, property, or segment to group your data.

Selected breakdowns will be visualized in the report graph. The example below is a breakdown by segments "Midmarket accounts" and "SMB accounts".