Data types

Supported data types

Intempt supports five data types for attributes: string, integer, boolean, date, and list. By choosing the most suitable data type for your attributes, you can apply a set of operators most relevant to your attributes in Intempt, giving you richer insights about your data.


  • Alphanumeric value e.g. Plan Type = "Free", Artist Name = "Bruno Mars"
  • Intempt will treat any attribute value that doesn’t match any other data type as a string.

String operators

Operator NameDescription
isChecks if the attribute exactly matches a value.
is notChecks if the attribute does not match a value.
containsSearches within the attribute for a value.
does not containConfirms the attribute does not include a value.
has any valueValidates that the attribute has any value.
has no valueChecks if the attribute has a blank or null value.


  • Numeric (integer or decimal) value e.g. Cost = 15.00, Quantity = 5
  • You can apply operators such as sum, median, and percentile on integer attributes (in reports)

Integer operators

Operator NameDescription
equalsChecks if the attribute is equal to a specified number.
doesn’t equalChecks if the attribute is not equal to a specified number.
is greater thanVerifies if the attribute is greater than a specified number.
is less thanVerifies if the attribute is less than a specified number.
is greater than or equalChecks if the attribute is greater than or equal to a specified number.
is less than or equalChecks if the attribute is less than or equal to a specified number.
is betweenChecks if the attribute is within a specified range of numbers.
is not betweenChecks if the attribute is not within a specified range of numbers.
has any valueValidates that the attribute has any numerical value.
has not valueChecks if the attribute has no assigned value or is null.


  • Intempt treats attribute as boolean if the value is either the JSON constant true or false, e.g., Favorited = true, Bookmarked = false.

Boolean operators

Operator NameDescription
trueIndicates the attribute is true.
falseIndicates the attribute is not true.


  • An ISO formatted date YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS in UTC e.g. Last Purchase = "2022-10-30T13:30:25", Last Login = "2022-10-29". Note that all timestamps need to be sent in UTC timezone in an ISO format.

Date operators

Operator NameDescription
in the lastChecks if the date occurred within the specified time frame up to now.
not in the lastChecks if the date did not occur within the specified time frame up to now.
betweenChecks if the date falls within a specified range of dates.
not in betweenChecks if the date does not fall within a specified range of dates.
onChecks if the date matches the specified date.
not onChecks if the date does not match the specified date.
beforeChecks if the date occurred before the specified date.
sinceChecks if the date occurred on or after the specified date.


  • List. A list of values as a JSON array e.g Favourite Genres = ["Folk","Alternative"] or Favourite Numbers = [1,5,10.0]
  • Object. Arbitrarily-nested groups of JSON key-value pairs e.g. Experiments = {"Exp Onboarding":"Quick","Exp Checkout":"Without Coupon"}
  • List of objects. A JSON array of 1 level JSON objects with each object having similar sets of key-value pairs e.g. Cart = [{"Brand":"Puma","Category":"Jacket","Price":30}, {"Brand":"Adidas","Category":"Hats","Price":15}]

List operators

Operator NameDescription
all in the listChecks if all specified values are present in the attribute list.
any in the listChecks if any of the specified values are present in the attribute list.