Usage & billing

This guide will help you understand the Billing strategy, MTU, and Add-on policies of Intempt.

Billing cycles

At Intempt, we provide customers with two available billing cycles: Monthly and Annual. On the monthly cycle, your billing cycle starts the day after your 14-day trial ends and you activate the paid plan. While on this plan, you’re billed on this day each month (including overages and add-ons).

On the annual cycle, you’re billed for an entire year of service for the selected configuration. Annual plan subscribers are also billed for MTU overages at the end of each monthly cycle. For example, if you paid for a 90,000 MTU annual plan and used 100,000 MTUs in any given month, you will be billed for the 10,000 MTU overage.

Free trial

When you create a new organization at Intempt, you are automatically enrolled in a 14-day trial. The free trial has full feature access for all add-ons—you can try all Intempt functionality without limitations.

The MTU count used in the trial is reset after the paid subscription starts. For example, if you have used 3,000 MTUs in the trial, it will not be transferred to your new paid subscription billing cycle (it will reset and start from 0).

After the trial ends, you’ll need to select a paid subscription package to continue using the application.

Core subscription


At its core, Intempt provides data intelligence tools to analyze and get insights from your customers.

It includes:

  • Customer Data Platform
  • Audiences
  • Integrations
  • Privacy

The core subscription cost is determined based on your selected monthly tracked users (MTUs) package. Each package has a specific cost attached to the users that should be chosen based on the number of customers performing an event on your platform each month.

The MTU packages start from 1,000 to 100,000 MTUs. We recommend contacting us for a custom plan if you have more than 100,000 MTUs on your website.

Exceeding the MTU limits

If you exceed your plan usage over the prepaid amount, you will be charged an à la carte rate for any data you use over your allotted limit. The additional data rate for plans purchased online is 20% of the plan's unit price. Additional Data charges accrued for the current month will be listed on the following month's receipt.

For example, if you are on a 10,000 MTU plan but in January you went over your MTU allotment by 1,000 MTU. Around February 1, you will pay your base monthly fee for February plus the January additional data rate charges you incurred.

MTUs explained

An MTU is a visitor who performs a qualified event during the month period, independently of whether they have been identified. Each time new users visit your website or use your app, they are tracked as anonymous users and a unique User Profile is created for them with a master_id. Intempt gets the data from multiple sources and automatically populates their profiles with respective first-party data such as events.

The Organization is charged on the total number of MTUs across all projects, meaning that if your customer performs qualifying events in various Projects, they are counted once per Project.

Upgrading the subscription

You can upgrade your core subscription (MTU package) at any time. The core plan has multiple MTU packages—ranging from 1,000 to 100,000 MTUs. If your average MTU count is above the one selected in the plan, you might want to select an MTU package with a higher MTU threshold. Any overages above the package size are charged 20% extra of the base MTU price.

When you upgrade your plan, you will be charged for the price difference, and the upgrade will be applied to your subscription immediately.

Downgrading the subscription

You can downgrade your subscription to a lower MTU package tier. The downgrade will apply at the end of your current billing cycle. You will continue to have access to your original subscription level until then. At the end of your current billing cycle, the downgrade will apply, and the billing will automatically adjust to reflect the downgraded cost. These rules apply the same way for both annual and monthly subscriptions.

Canceling the subscription

You can cancel your subscription and keep using your account until your paid period expires. Then, the account will become inactive/disabled until you reactivate the subscription.

If you cancel your plan or downgrade before the end of your official billing period on the monthly Growth plan, you’ll receive a final bill for the subscription. Any overages incurred will be stated in the invoice after the billing cycle ends.

Features included

Customer Data PlatformWeb SDKTrack all event data from your website or web application
Customer Data PlatformiOS SDKTrack all event data from your iOS application
Customer Data PlatformAndroid SDKTrack all event data from your Android application
Customer Data PlatformServer-Side SDKTrack all event data from server-architected applications or trusted cloud-based infrastructure
Customer Data PlatformIntegrationsConnect third-party tools and apps
Customer Data PlatformStripeTrack all event data from your Stripe
Customer Data PlatformIdentity resolutionStitch together user actions and properties across multiple touchpoints and systems
Customer Data PlatformProduct catalogView and filter your product data from your CMS
Customer Data PlatformRole-based accessAssign permissions and product access to your team members
Customer Data PlatformPlatform APIManage your project and its resources with public APIs using HTTP methods
Customer Data PlatformAttributesDefine cross-channel characteristics representing your user's or account's properties
AudiencesSegment builderGroup and filter users by advanced matching criteria
AudiencesEvent builderManage and combine events to track all customer actions
PrivacyConsent ManagementCollect and manage consent of your customers to comply with privacy regulations
PrivacyData subject requestsComply with requests to view, update, extract, and delete your customer data
PrivacyPreference centerAllows customers to configure their privacy and communication settings within a single portal


Add-ons allow you to create a custom plan based on your organization’s requirements. You can add new add-ons at any time during your billing cycle. Take into consideration that downgrades for add-ons will only come into effect after the existing billing cycle ends and the new one starts.

Journeys add-on

Journey's add-on allows you to have marketing & sales communication with your customers via SMS and email, get notification messages (Slack, email), or create workflows for data syncs.

The cost for this add-on depends on this variable:

  • Your monthly MTU package cost. We charge 20% of your base MTU package (excluding any other add-ons)

Pricing example

You select a 25,000 MTU package for GrowthOS that costs $338.68 (without add-ons). You choose the Journeys add-on—your price for the add-on is $338.68 * 20% = $67.74/mo. The subtotal is $406.42.


What happens if I remove the Journeys add-on while having an active journey?
Your journey will remain active but you will no longer be able to edit the journey or create a new one.

What will happen if I downgrade midway through the billing cycle?
Irrespective of your downgrade date, add-ons will only be removed after your billing cycle ends—you will have full access within the period you paid for.

Features included

JourneysOn condition triggerCreate custom rules to define the conditions that users will enter the journey
JourneysSpecific users triggerSelect specific users that will enter the journey
JourneysSend email via SendgridSend emails to users that trigger the journey
JourneysSend email via Gmail accountSend email directly via your Gmail account and stop sequence if user responds
JourneysSend SMSSend SMS to users that triggered the journey
JourneysSent ticketSend support ticket to Freshdesk for users that enters the journey
JourneysUpdate attributeCreate rules to change user or account attribute's value based on actions performed
JourneysSend WebhookSend custom payload to your selected endpoint
JourneysSend Slack notificationNotify your team via channel or send direct messages to alert when a user triggers the journey
JourneysSend email notificationNotify selected users via email when a user triggers the journey
JourneysCreate HubSpot taskCreate a task for a team member in your HubSpot account
JourneysAdd to HubSpot listAdd user that triggered the journey to the selected HubSpot list
JourneysUpdate HubSpot propertyChange HubSpot property for users that entered the Journey
JourneysConditionsCheck for specific action conditions to branch the flow in the journey
JourneysDelay controlWait for a specific timeframe until the users are transitioned to the next step of the journey
JourneysWait until controlWait until users perform a specific action until they are transitioned to the next step
JourneysJourney activity analyticsAnalyze how many users entered, exited, received messages within the journey
JourneysJourney conversion analyticsAnalyze the conversion performance of the journey against the selected goal
JourneysJourney templatesCreate and share templates to speed up journey creation

Experiments add-on

Experiments add-on allows you to perform A/B testing campaigns powered by Intempt’s statistics engine.

The cost for this add-on depends on this variable:

  • Your monthly MTU package cost. We charge 20% of your base MTU package (excluding any other add-ons)

Pricing example

You select a 25,000 MTU package for GrowthOS that costs $338.68 (without add-ons). You choose the Experiments add-on—your price is $338.68 * 20% = $67.74/mo. The subtotal is $406.42.

Features included

ExperimentsClient-side experimentsRun A/B tests using a point-and-click visual editor to create experiment variations with ease
ExperimentsServer-side experimentsGet server-side flexibility to run A/B experiments directly on any device
ExperimentsExperiment analyticsAnalyze your experiment performance by comparing sample sizes, conversions, lift, and confidence intervals
ExperimentsStats engineGet accelerated speed, improved accuracy, and a greater scale of experimentation with sequential testing and CUPED variance reduction

Personalizations add-on

Personalization add-on allows you to display real-time targeted client and server-side experiences based on each user’s behavioral data.

The cost for this add-on depends on this variable:

  • Your monthly MTU package cost. We charge 20% of your base MTU package (excluding any other add-ons)

Pricing example

You select a 25,000 MTU package for GrowthOS that costs $338.68 (without add-ons). You choose the Personalizations add-on—your price for the add-on is $338.68 * 20% = $67.74/mo. The subtotal is $406.42.

Features included

PersonalizationsClient-side personalizationCreate personalized experiences using a point-and-click visual editor
PersonalizationsServer-side personalizationsGet server-side flexibility to run personalization campaigns directly on any device
PersonalizationsPersonalizations analyticsAnalyze your campaign performance with analytics charts to compare different experiences

AI add-on

Training custom machine learning AI models and generating predictions (real-time or batched) are high computation/resource-intensive tasks. For this reason, we have a different pricing model for the AI product.

The overall cost depends on two variables:

  • Your monthly MTU package cost. We charge 50% of your base MTU package (excluding any other add-ons).
  • A number of ML models have been created/are active within the billing cycle. We charge a 0.2 multiplier per model created/active. Note that 1 model is included in the base add-on price.

Pricing example

You select a 25,000 MTU package for GrowthOS that costs $338.68 (without add-ons). You choose the AI add-on—your price for the add-on is $338.68 50% = $169.34/mo. If you create only one prediction model—this is your final cost during your billing cycle. However, creating a second model will cost you an additional $33.88 (0.2 $169.4 = $33.88) throughout the billing cycle.


What if I create and delete a model—will I still be charged for it?
Yes, creating a model automatically increases the model quota allocated for you that month—removing the model does not affect it.

For example, if you already have 1 model and create a new model, you will be automatically billed at the end of the billing cycle for two models—no matter if you deleted any of them. Still, you can freely delete both models and create new ones multiple times without additional costs—as long as the concurrent model number does not go above the baseline. Important to note that after the billing cycle ends, your Predict price will adjust to the baseline based on the actual number of models you have.

Do I get billed immediately if I create a new model?
You will only be billed immediately when you purchase the AI add-on. After that, an additional charge for the models created will be sent after your billing cycle ends.

What if I create a model in the middle of the billing cycle—do you still charge the same price?
We apply proration depending on the number of days left on your billing cycle. For example, if you create the model on the 15th day of your billing cycle, the cost of $33.88 will be prorated to $16.94 at the end of the billing cycle.

What if I cancel my AI add-on subscription? Will my models be deleted and will the predicted data be lost?
No, your historical data and models will remain intact—only models will be paused and no new predictions will be generated.

Features included

AILikelihood predictionsLeverage custom machine learning models to predict user likelihood to perform a selected conversion event
AIRFMAnalyze and group your customers based on how recently, frequently, and with what monetary value they performed a conversion event (like purchase) within a specified timeframe
AIFit & ActivityEvaluate your leads & accounts based on your custom scoring criteria
AINext best action (NBA)Use AI to predict the optimal action you should make (e.g. show best offer) to increase the likelihood of customer completing the conversion event.


Will Intempt charge VAT/sales tax on my invoice?

Outside the US

All Intempt business customers outside the US will not be charged VAT/Sales Tax. Intempt only provides services to B2B customers; services for B2C customers are not supported.

Within the US

A US business address may be subject to state and local sales taxes. The applicable tax law applies based on your business location address which may be different from your billing address. Customers who purchase a taxable product or service and are located in a jurisdiction where Intempt currently charges sales tax will see the calculated sales tax on their invoice.

Intempt currently charges sales tax in these states:

  • Arizona
  • Colorado (Denver only)
  • Connecticut
  • District of Columbia
  • Illinois (Chicago only)
  • Massachusetts
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Washington