
HubSpot source allows you to bring your company, contacts, and deals-related data from HubSpot into Intempt to enrich existing user profiles and create targeted engagement and personalization campaigns.

After creating a Hubspot source, you will be able to use these events:

Event NameDescription
Contact createdTriggered when a new contact is added to the HubSpot CRM. This includes capturing all relevant information such as name, email, and any custom fields associated with the contact.
Contact updatedOccurs when any details associated with an existing contact are changed. This can include updates to contact information, subscription status, or any modifications in the custom fields.
Company createdTriggered when a new company is registered in the HubSpot CRM. This event captures company-specific details such as name, industry, and size, along with other pertinent data.
Company updatedOccurs when there is a change or update in the existing company details within HubSpot. Changes might include updates to company size, revenue, contact information, etc.
Deal createdTriggered when a new deal is created in HubSpot. This includes all relevant deal details such as associated contacts or companies, deal stage, deal value, and expected close date.
Deal updatedOccurs when any details of an existing deal are updated. Updates can include changes in deal stage, adjustments in value, updates in associated contacts or companies, or the timeline for closing.

How to create a new HubSpot source

Go to Sources and select "Create source" -> Hubspot option.

Connect to a HubSpot account by clicking the "Connect Hubspot" button.

Enter your HubSpot account credentials and confirm connecting the app.

Once connected, as a final step, configure the syncing intervals with the source.

By default, Intempt will sync all data available in your store. However, you can also select a custom sync time if you don't want to ingest all of the historical data.

The "Sync interval" means how frequently Intempt syncs data from your HubSpot account. The default and recommended timeframe is 1 hour.

Once the source is created, you can update the sync schedule and frequency in the overview tab.

How users are identified

Intempt maps the fields below to resolve identities across the project.

Intempt identifierHubSpot identifier
Profile IDContact ID
User IDEmail, Phone
Account IDCompany ID, Company domain

Attribute reference

Contact updated, contact created

User attribute nameDescriptionExample Value
Company nameThe name of the contact’s company.Microsoft
Contact owner emailThe email address of the user assigned as the owner of a contact.[email protected]
Contact owner’s first nameFirst name of the contact owner.John
Contact owner’s last nameThe last name of the user assigned as the owner of a contactDoe
Team nameThe name of the team to which the contact owner belongs.Inside sales
Updated atThe date and time when the contact was last updated.2023-04-02T12:00:00Z
Legal basisThe legal basis for processing the contact's data.Consent
Number of associated dealsThe total number of deals associated with the contact.4
StateThe state or region associated with the contact's address.California
Recent deal close dateThe most recent date a deal associated with the contact was closed.2023-04-05T12:00:00Z
Lifecycle stage subscriber dateThe date the contact became a subscriber.2023-04-04T12:00:00Z
Date entered opportunity stageThe date the contact entered the opportunity lifecycle stage.2023-04-05T12:00:00Z
Lifecycle stage customer dateThe date the contact became a customer.2023-04-06T12:00:00Z
First conversion event nameThe name of the first conversion event the contact completed.Form Submission
Latest source data 1Primary information about the contact's most recent source.Google Ads
Date of birthThe contact's date of birth.1990-01-01
IndustryThe industry the contact's company operates in.Technology
Analytics sourceThe original source type that brought the contact to your site.Organic Search
Email first open dateThe date and time the contact first opened an email from a marketing campaign.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
EmailThe primary email address of the contact.[email protected]
Email last reply dateThe date and time the contact last replied to an email.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
WebsiteThe contact's personal or company website.http://example.com
AddressThe contact's physical address.123 Main St, Example City
Job titleThe contact's job title.Senior Manager
Last meeting bookedThe last meeting booked with the contact.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
Lead statusThe status of the contact as a lead.New Lead
Email clickIndicates whether the contact has clicked a link in an email.True
CountryThe country associated with the contact's address.United States
Email last open dateThe date and time the contact last opened an email.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
Analytics last URLThe last URL visited by the contact.http://example.com/contact
Date entered lead stageThe date the contact entered the lead lifecycle stage.2023-04-02T12:00:00Z
Latest sourceThe most recent source that brought the contact to your site.LinkedIn
Email opt-outIndicates whether the contact has opted out of all email communication.True
Date entered marketing qualified lead stageThe date the contact entered the marketing qualified lead lifecycle stage.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
Job functionThe contact's job function within their organization.Marketing
SchoolThe school the contact attended.Example University
Mobile phoneThe contact's mobile phone number.+19995553333
First conversion dateThe date of the contact's first conversion.2023-04-01T12:00:00Z
Number of conversion eventsThe total number of conversion events completed by the contact.10
Sales email last repliedThe last time the contact replied to a sales email.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
Work emailThe contact's work email address.
Email first click dateThe date and time the contact first clicked a link in an email.2023-04-02T12:00:00Z
First nameThe first name of the contact.John
Email repliedIndicates whether the contact has replied to an email.True
PersonaThe persona that has been assigned to the contact.Buyer Persona 1
Analytics last visit timestampThe timestamp of the contact's last visit.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
Create dateThe date and time the contact was created.2023-04-01T12:00:00Z
CompanyThe company the contact is associated with.Example Company Inc.
Close dateThe date a deal associated with the contact was closed.2023-04-15T12:00:00Z
Analytics first visit timestampThe timestamp of the contact's first visit to the website.2023-04-01T12:00:00Z
MessageA message associated with the contact.Interested in your services
Email deliveredIndicates whether an email was successfully delivered to the contact.True
Recent conversion dateThe date of the contact's most recent conversion.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
Lifecycle stageThe current lifecycle stage of the contact.Lead
Recent conversion event nameThe name of the contact's most recent conversion event.Downloaded Whitepaper
LanguageThe preferred language of the contact.English
HubSpot owner IDThe ID of the HubSpot owner assigned to the contact.987654321
Annual revenueThe annual revenue of the contact's company.5000000
FaxThe fax number associated with the contact.+19995553344
Last sales activity timestampThe timestamp of the last sales activity with the contact.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
ZIP codeThe ZIP code associated with the contact's address.90210
Sales email last openedThe last time the contact opened a sales email.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
HubSpot scoreThe lead scoring value for the contact.75
TimezoneThe timezone associated with the contact.America/New_York
Last nameThe last name of the contact.Doe
PhoneThe primary phone number of the contact.+19995553333
Lifecycle stage lead dateThe date the contact became a lead.2023-04-01T12:00:00Z
GenderThe gender of the contact.Male
CityThe city associated with the contact's address.Los Angeles
Lifecycle stage opportunity dateThe date the contact became an opportunity.2023-04-04T12:00:00Z
Recent deal amountThe amount of the most recent deal associated with the contact.50000
Email domainThe domain of the contact's primary email address.example.com
Lifecycle stage sales qualified lead dateThe date the contact became a sales-qualified lead.2023-04-02T12:00:00Z
Lifecycle stage marketing qualified lead dateThe date the contact became a marketing-qualified lead.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
Email last send dateThe last date an email was sent to the contact.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
First deal created dateThe date of the first deal created associated with the contact.2023-04-02T12:00:00Z
Email first send dateThe first date an email was sent to the contact.2023-04-01T12:00:00Z
Date entered sales qualified leadThe date the contact entered the sales-qualified lead lifecycle stage.2023-04-05T12:00:00Z
Email openIndicates whether the contact has opened an email.True
Company sizeThe size of the company the contact is associated with.51-200 employees
Is unworkedIndicates whether the contact is marked as unworked.False
Analytics number of visitsThe total number of visits by the contact.22
Number of employeesThe number of employees at the company the contact is associated with.200
Last modified dateThe date and time the contact record was last modified.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
Analytics last referrerThe last referring site before the contact's most recent visit.http://example-referrer.com
Analytics source data 2Additional data about the contact's original source.Campaign Details
IDThe unique identifier for the contact.123456789
Create dateThe date and time the contact was created (duplicate for emphasis).2023-04-01T12:00:00


Good to know

"Updated" type events (e.g. Contact updated, Company updated, Deal updated) will only work for the new events that will be synced to the project. Intempt does not sync "update" type events done before installing the source.

Company created, company updated

Account attribute nameDescriptionExample Value
Company owner’s emailThe email address of the user assigned as the owner of a contact.[email protected]
Company owner’s first nameFirst name of the contact owner.John
Company owner’s last nameThe last name of the user assigned as the owner of a contactDoe
Team nameThe name of the team to which the contact owner belongs.Inside sales
Created atThe date and time when the company was created.2023-04-01T12:00:00Z
ContactsThe contacts associated with the company.["Contact1", "Contact2"]
TypeThe type of company (e.g., Customer, Partner, Prospect).Customer
Last sales activity dateThe date of the last sales activity with the company.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
Recent conversion event nameThe name of the company's most recent conversion event.Form Submission
Analytics latest source timestampThe timestamp of the latest source that brought the company to your site.2023-04-02T12:00:00Z
About usInformation about the company."Leading provider of..."
Annual revenueThe annual revenue of the company.$5,000,000.00
Number of associated dealsThe total number of deals associated with the company.10
Date entered customerThe date the company became a customer.2023-04-05T12:00:00Z
Analytics number of page viewsThe total number of page views on your site from the company.150
StateThe state or region associated with the company's address.California
Last sales activity timestampThe timestamp of the last sales activity with the company.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
ZIP codeThe ZIP code associated with the company's address.90210
Recent deal close dateThe most recent date a deal associated with the company was closed.2023-04-06T12:00:00Z
Twitter handleThe company's Twitter username.@companyhandle
PhoneThe primary phone number of the company.+19995553333
DomainThe primary domain associated with the company.example.com
Analytics latest sourceThe latest source that brought the company to your site.LinkedIn
First conversion event nameThe name of the first conversion event the company completed.Form Submission
CityThe city associated with the company's address.New York
IndustryThe industry the company operates in.Technology
Recent deal amountThe amount of the most recent deal associated with the company.100000
Analytics sourceThe original source type that brought the company to your site.Organic Search
WebsiteThe primary website of the company.https://www.example.com
AddressThe physical address of the company.123 Main St, Example City
Last meeting bookedThe last meeting booked with the company.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
Last modified dateThe date and time the company record was last modified.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
Lead statusThe status of the company as a lead.New Lead
CountryThe country associated with the company's address.United States
Number of associated contactsThe total number of contacts associated with the company.25
Total deal valueThe total value of all deals associated with the company.500000
Date entered marketing qualified leadThe date the company entered the marketing qualified lead lifecycle stage.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
First deal created dateThe date of the first deal created for the company.2023-04-02T12:00:00Z
Number of open dealsThe number of deals currently open with the company.3
First conversion dateThe date of the company's first conversion.2023-04-01T12:00:00Z
First contact create dateThe create date of the first contact associated with the company.2023-04-01T12:00:00Z
Date entered sales qualified leadThe date the company entered the sales qualified lead stage.2023-04-05T12:00:00Z
Number of conversion eventsThe number of conversion events completed by the company.5
Company nameThe name of the company.Example Company Inc.
Object IDThe unique identifier for the company object in HubSpot.123456789
DescriptionA description of the company.Leading provider of XYZ
Number of employeesThe total number of employees working at the company.200
Analytics number of visitsThe total number of visits by the company.75
Founded yearThe year the company was founded.2001
Close dateThe anticipated close date of the next deal associated with the company.2023-04-15T12:00:00Z
Address 2The secondary address of the company.Suite 100
Analytics first visit timestampThe timestamp of the first visit to your site from the company.2023-04-01T12:00:00Z
Total revenueThe total revenue generated from the company.$500,000
Recent conversion dateThe date of the company's most recent conversion.2023-04-03T12:00:00Z
Lifecycle stageThe current lifecycle stage of the company.Customer
IDThe unique identifier for the company.123456789
HubSpot owner IDThe ID of the HubSpot owner assigned to the company.987654321

Deal created, deal updated

Attribute nameDescriptionExample Value
Deal associated company nameThe name of the company associated with the dealMicrosoft
Deal associated contact nameThe name of the contact associated with the dealJohn Doe
Deal owner’s emailThe email address of the user assigned as the owner of a contact.[email protected]
Deal owner’s first nameFirst name of the contact owner.John
Deal owner’s last nameThe last name of the user assigned as the owner of a contactDoe
Team nameThe name of the team to which the contact owner belongs.Inside sales
Create dateThe date and time the deal record was created.2023-03-01T12:00:00Z
Is closedIndicates whether the deal is closed.False
Projected amountThe projected amount for the deal.10000
Total contract valueThe total contract value associated with the deal.15000
Time in appointment scheduledDuration the deal has been in the "Appointment Scheduled" stage.36 hours
Time in qualified to buyDuration the deal has been in the "Qualified to Buy" stage.5 days
Closed amountThe amount the deal was closed for.8000
Closed won dateThe date the deal was closed as won.2023-04-08T12:00:00Z
Closed won countThe count of times the deal was closed as won.1
Time in closed wonThe duration the deal has been in the "Closed Won" stage.14 days
PipelineThe pipeline to which the deal belongs.Sales Pipeline
Days to close rawThe raw number of days from deal creation to deal close.30
Deal nameThe name of the deal.Example Deal
Number of associated contactsThe total number of contacts associated with the deal.3
Time in closed lostThe duration the deal has been in the "Closed Lost" stage.7 days
Days to closeThe number of days from deal creation to deal close.45
PriorityThe priority level of the deal.High
ACVThe Annual Contract Value of the deal.12000
Is closed wonIndicates whether the deal has been closed as won.False
Deal stageThe current stage of the deal within its pipeline.Proposal sent
MRRThe Monthly Recurring Revenue associated with the deal.1000
ARRThe Annual Recurring Revenue associated with the deal.12000
Deal typeThe type of deal, such as new business or renewal.New business
AmountThe amount associated with the deal.15000
Close dateThe anticipated close date of the deal.2023-04-30T12:00:00Z
Date entered contract sentThe date the deal entered the "Contract Sent" stage.2023-03-23T12:00:00Z
Date entered appointment scheduledThe date the deal entered the "Appointment Scheduled" stage.2023-03-24T12:00:00Z
Latest meeting activityThe most recent meeting activity related to the deal.2023-03-16T12:00:00Z
CompaniesIDs of companies associated with the deal.["123456", "789012"]
IDThe unique identifier of the deal.123456789
ContactsIDs of contacts associated with the deal.["234567", "890123"]


Good to know

Events "Deals created" and "Deals updated" won't have a correct event count in a project but will have a correct count per user and account. These events indicate that "Deal was created and associated with user/account" or "Deal updated and associated with user/account"

Deals, Contacts, and Companies will have updated and created events. . And created objects already have a flag that they were updated.